Entries by Kathy Parks

5 Ways leadership can adapt & change in these turbulent times

These are tough, unprecedented times for everyone. And the more we watch the news, the worse it seems to get – it’s wearing us all down already. I have to admit that I am having a hard time focusing on any task, and I am a focuser! I find myself getting distracted a lot, going […]

4 Tips to negotiate better pay or what you want in the workplace (or life!)

In 2013 when Sheryl Sandberg wrote her book Lean In, she talked about how ‘sluggish’ the progress was in regards to women’s compensation in the workplace. She reminded us that “in 1970, American women were paid 59 cents for every dollar their male counterparts made.” By 2010, 40 long years later, that had grown to […]

Startup: You – How to approach your career like an entrepreneur

Are you looking for your first job, want a better job in a new company or more from the one you have now? The world of work and careers has changed and will continue to change over the coming years. Fortune had a good article awhile ago that is still relevant now – a unique […]

5 steps to jumpstart your career

Are you where you want to be at this point in your job and your career? Are you happy with your progress so far and do you have a plan to move forward to your ultimate goal? If not, read on.

Leadership skills for the future, that you might need right now

The future of work, and how leaders navigate our world as things change exponentially around us, is a hot topic.  The work world is only going to get more intense so it’s important to think about what the leader of the future is going to look like before that future is already upon us. Which […]

3 Critical Questions to Find Out What Type Of Leader You Could Be

Great leadership doesn’t happen overnight. Some people are born with a certain type of presence and others have to work hard at it. But we all know a good leader when we see and hear one, and a bad one even faster. As you travel on your leadership journey, how do you want to be […]

Calling all Superheroes!

This is the best picture ever because as well as being very cute it holds a great life lesson. My 3-year-old grandnephew wears his superhero outfit proudly wherever he can – day care, the mall, the playground, any chance he can get away with it. He’s not embarrassed or ashamed or shy about dressing up. […]