This is the best picture ever because as well as being very cute it holds a great life lesson. My 3-year-old grandnephew wears his superhero outfit proudly wherever he can – day care, the mall, the playground, any chance he can get away with it. He’s not embarrassed or ashamed or shy about dressing up. In fact, he’s not dressing up at all – this is who he is – a living breathing superhero. Read more Parks Parks2018-11-15 06:25:592018-11-16 23:45:24Calling all Superheroes!
Calling all Superheroes!
/by Kathy ParksThis is the best picture ever because as well as being very cute it holds a great life lesson. My 3-year-old grandnephew wears his superhero outfit proudly wherever he can – day care, the mall, the playground, any chance he can get away with it. He’s not embarrassed or ashamed or shy about dressing up. In fact, he’s not dressing up at all – this is who he is – a living breathing superhero. Read more